Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Morning After

We had quite a bit of excitement last night in the anchorage at Wrightsville Beach. Lots of boats came in to ride out the dirty weather. We had some. We woke up about 2:oo am to lots of noise and unsusual motion. A severe squall was moving through and winds were gusting to the mid 50's. I turned on the chart plotter to see if we were moving and we were not. I then started the engine so I could take some strain off the ground tackle if needed. No sooner had I done this and another sailboat drifted into view.
We spent probably 20 minutes (seemed like several hours) dodging both the Catalina 38 and the catamaran in the foreground of this picture.
Of course we were constrained by our 90 chain teather, but we were able to at least tack the boat and avoid collisions on a number of occasions. One time the dinghy behind the Catalina acted as a fender.

There will be lots of people napping in the anchorage today!

1 comment:

Doug and Marty said...

Sounds like you had an exciting time last night - hope you have smooth sailing ahead. Have enjoyed your blog and watching your progress - have a great trip!!!